ending the pharmaceutical cycle.
We practice integrated psychotherapy, offering alternative psychiatric and dietary treatments to achieve mental wellness for every patient, sustainably. Our team prioritizes patient needs, providing the tools to lessen their dependency on traditional medication, and instead choose methods that are truly restorative.
life-changing treatments.
Our board-certified psychiatrists provide therapies that are natural, effective, and grounded in research. We personalize each treatment plan with magnets, micro-dosed psychedelics, and cannabis (among other options) to help each patient finally see progress.
TMS therapy
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) eases depression with targeted magnetic pulses that stimulate brain activity. Customized to your brain mapping and conducted in three-minute sessions, these pulses strengthen your serotonin circuits and dramatically improve your mood.
ketamine therapy
This psychedelic medicine, guided by our psychiatric expertise, allows our patients to see themselves and their situation from a different perspective. Unlike the side effects and slower pace of antidepressants, ketamine-assisted talk therapy gives you the ability to authentically—and immediately—reconnect with yourself.
medical cannabis
As an excellent mood stabilizer with anti-inflammatory properties, cannabis is proven to relieve pain and discomfort caused by many health conditions. We often treat patients living with PTSD or anxiety, but also certify patients seeking relief from other qualifying conditions.
deeper insight,
rapid healing.
Hear from our founder, Dr. Thomas Cook, on how our treatments help you cultivate a healing mindset by building on your resilience and capacity for growth.
looking inward
to go forward.
Our process is thorough, allowing patients to work in unexplored areas of their experiences and get the most from living in the now. You will learn how to break patterns and develop healthier ones in their place, with a newly-aligned outlook, medicinal balance, and trained psychiatric team to support you in every step.